Monday, January 7, 2008

Action Heating Up on Alliance Closing

The postings below appeared on the blogs identified below (which can be reached at the links provided to the right).  It will be interesting to see how events shake out.  I still wonder how lenders are dealing with Financial Title and whether FATCO maintains its relationship with other Mercury Company underwritten title companies.


From PinkBunnyEars:
FATCO has a transition team in place out of Pleasanton and thank goodness Donna H is heading it up but I also heard she alrady has retained an high powered attorney and is suing the Hauptmans indiviudually plus Mercury and possibly Harritt and has the ammo to make it happen. I am moving forward in that directions too
Comment by jensen — January 7, 2008 @ 9:17 am

From SocketSet:

I just found out today about Alliance closing their doors. I am the landlord for one of their offices, when I called about their rent being late I was told that they had closed their doors. Did they file bankruptcy? I'm not surprised that they went under. Everyone I ever dealt with from their office was an idiot.
Posted by: Frank at January 7, 2008 11:50 AM


Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything about some kind of class action lawsuit for the owner's of the buildings that Alliance leased space in?

I am one of them in Sacramento. I tried to negotiate a settlement without going through the painful legal process. The best thing that I am being offered so far is a "mutual release and settlement agreemnet" where the lease is terminated immediately and I of course can not sue them for past amounts due nor breach of contract.

Anonymous said...

I'd rent the space and move on. Losers.